Comfortable and fast train travel between Groningen and Bremen

The province of Groningen, the state of Lower Saxony and Bremen are working intensively with Deutsche Bahn (DB) and ProRail on the realisation of the Wunderline, the cross-border train connection between Groningen and Bremen. This realisation will increase the speed on the route, shorten the journey time for passengers and make travelling from door to door more comfortable.

Quality improvement of the rail link between Groningen and Bremen will ensure a comfortable, fast and international train connection with shorter journey times. This will bring the Netherlands and northern Germany closer together. This will soon make it easier for students and employees to study and work in the neighbouring country. For tourists, the train will become more attractive to cross the border with for a day trip.

In the coming years, we will work on the route and the adjacent stations. The journey will not only be shorter, but also more comfortable. That way, the train will eventually offer a sustainable and equal alternative to the car. We will do this in steps.

Read more on what we do

The route

Map of the Groningen - Bremen route with all stations. The stations Ihrhove and Bunde will be commissioned in 2025.

Quick and easy door-to-door

Equally important: residents of the border regions should be able to travel easily to and from the Wunderline stations. This is why we are improving the connection of different means of transport. Fast and comfortable door-to-door travel! We also ensure that the station becomes a pleasant waiting place. Think of opportunities to get something to eat or drink, water taps and a good, covered waiting area. For all these things, we will work together with municipalities and transport organisations along the railway in the coming years.

Read more about the collaboration

An important link between Copenhagen and the Netherlands

The Wunderline connects different areas with international destinations and is a cross-border connection to travel from Copenhagen via Hamburg, Bremen to the Netherlands. It promotes sustainable cross-border mobility and contributes to the vision of a well-connected European transport network, where travellers can easily reach different countries with just one rail connection.

Boosting economic growth

Rail connections are crucial for regional economic growth. The Wunderline connects Groningen, Oldenburg and Bremen with surrounding regions, making the region an important engine between the Netherlands and northern Germany. This promotes cross-border mobility, tourism and a barrier-free labour market.

According to the European Commission, border regions miss on average 8% economic growth due to border barriers. The Wunderline provides efficient cross-border transport, essential for economic growth and employment. Investing in these connections stimulates the economy and creates jobs.

Climate protection

To meet the climate goals of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050 and a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, transport emissions must be reduced. This can only be done by encouraging more environmentally friendly mobility. Shorter journey times, renovated stations, extra comfort and better accessibility make the train between Bremen and Groningen more attractive, also for motorists. In this way, the transition to climate-friendly mobility is realised step by step.

Flagship project

The Wunderline has been named by the EU as a 'flagship project' (exemplary project). It receives strong support at regional, national and European level. Since 2015, the European Union has provided funding twice for studies and the first construction phase. Province of Groningen, Land Lower Saxony, Bremen and governments on both sides of the border are working together to realise the project. Currently, the Wunderline partners are jointly exploring ways to realise the second construction phase.

European Year of Rail

In 2021, European rail transport was in the spotlight during the 'European Year of Rail'. With this initiative, the European Union aimed to use trains to allow more people to travel and transport more goods. Wunderline also contributed to this. Thus, the Wunderline Community meeting (for many stakeholders and interested parties) in autumn 2021 was entirely dedicated to the connection between the region and Europe. In the coming years, the Wunderline will also continue its efforts to highlight its added value for Europe and the regions.

Parties involved

  • Logo Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat

    Ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat

  • Logo Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

    Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft & Klimaschutz

  • Logo Bremen


  • Niedersachsen

    Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Bauen & Digitalisierung

  • Logo provincie Groningen

    Provincie Groningen

  • Logo Deutsche Bahn

    Deutsche Bahn AG

  • Logo ProRail
