Cycling to and around the Wunderline stations

How can you promote taking the train with bicycle mobility? Thirty officials from various municipalities in the region considered this question during a bicycle theme day in Oldenburg. The officials, who are members of the Chain mobility network, have investigated how they can make the station in their own municipality more attractive through various cycling measures.

Cycling and Public Transport

The station must not only be an easily accessible and attractive place, but it must also be easy to transfer from one mode of transport to another. For example, from the train to a (shared) bicycle and vice versa. If means of transport are well connected, more travellers will take the train. For example, you can create added value for a rail product with bicycle mobility. 

Bicycle theme day

During the bicycle theme day in Oldenburg, the Chain mobility network members learned more about the possibilities for sharing systems for E-steps, E-scooters and (E-)bikes. Mario Brokate from the Weser-Kurier (provider of the NextBike concept in Oldenburg and Bremen) talked about the possibilities of introducing a public bike system. Marco Zahn from the company Tier (sharing systems provider) talked about the experiences with flexible available E-steps in Oldenburg. The network members could then try out the E-steps, E-scooters and E-bikes.

Bike & Go

After the presentations, the officials themselves began working on the bike theme. In working groups they brainstormed about how they can make public transport more attractive in their own municipality through bicycle mobility. For example, the city of Oldenburg announced during the meeting that it wanted to start a pilot, based on an example of the Dutch Bike & Go concept from Arriva. These are electric folding bikes that are easy to take with you on the train or bus. They have been available to rent for a year at the stations in Groningen and Leeuwarden. Improving the cycling routes around the Wunderline stations was also discussed. The collected ideas will be further elaborated on in the coming period.