Track work between Bad Nieuweschans and Leer from 1 February

From 1 February 2024 to 14 December 2024, no trains will run between Bad Nieuweschans and Weener due to track works. No trains were already running between Weener and Leer due to the repair of the railway bridge Friesenbrücke. Travellers can travel by bus between Bad Nieuweschans and Leer.

Trein Arriva

Bus between Bad Nieuweschans - Weener - Leer

A bus operated by carrier Weser Ems will run from 1 February to 14 December. This bus (regular bus line 620) between Bad Nieuweschans - Weener - Leer connects with the train timetable in Bad Nieuweschans. The timetable can be found at or

Bus stops:

  • Bad Nieuweschans: bus stop on Stationsstraat
  • Weener: bus stop at the station, on Wiesenstraße
  • Leer: bus stop at the station, bus platform 8

In addition, the Groningen - Leer express bus (line 401) will continue to run according to the 2024 regular timetable.

Travel time and tickets

Travellers travelling by bus between Bad Nieuweschans - Weener - Leer should expect a longer journey time of about 20 minutes. Bicycles cannot be taken on the bus either. Checking in and out can be done at a pole at the departure and arrival train station. The ticket can be shown on the bus. More information can be found on the Arriva website:

Track work

In Germany, the work will be carried out from February to December. Track and track will be removed and rebuilt so that trains will soon be able to run at 120 km/h on the entire German section of the route to Leer. Besides these modifications, it is also necessary to adapt and renew the signalling installations accordingly. Unguarded level crossings will also be removed, level crossings secured and bridges renewed. In addition, the new Friesenbrücke will be built. More information on these works: 

In the Netherlands, between Bad Nieuweschans station and the border, the track is also being prepared for the speed increase to 120 km/h. Work between Bad Nieuweschans and the German border will be carried out mainly in June.